Filming in Northumberland

Northumberland prides itself on being a film-friendly destination. Visit Northumberland and Northumberland County Council recently reaffirmed this commitment by signing the filming friendly charter, a Northeast Screen Initiative, aimed at highlighting the area.   

With rugged landscapes, endless beaches, country villages and market towns and iconic building and attractions it lends itself to a film makers dream, with so many potential locations in one area. 

If you are thinking of filming in Northumberland, this is where you’ll find a range of information to help – from who to notify to which sites have the best views around Northumberland. 

Permission is needed to film or take professional photos on private ownership land and land owned by Northumberland County Council. 

Our film friendly champion for Northumberland is here to support you in any way we can. From providing contact details for relevant Council departments to supporting with content suggestions to sourcing landowners and securing permissions.  There is an in-depth knowledge of locations across the county, which means we can offer advice on potential locations to suit a variety of requirements, big and small. 

Get in touch

For more information or to make an enquiry, please contact


Useful Contacts

North East Screen


Tel: 0191 823 8233

Filming Friendly Northumberland

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